One of the benefits of experience, not to say wisdom, is that you can see the future. And it’s not always so new. So, I was struck when I saw someone on LinkedIn write about Birkenstock’s “community studio” initiative at The Truman Brewery in London, and excitedly suggest that this is “the future of retail” and “not about selling shoes”. Really? The future of retailing and nothing to do with selling? Really?
Well of course it is. It’s just not THE future. And retail has never ever ONLY been “about transactions” but has in fact always been about selling. Birkenstock are truly in the business of selling shoes and their “community studio” is not so much different from a car retailer’s showroom, a builder’s show home, or even sampling Walker's Shortbread at Costco Wholesale.
The significance, and value, of the Birkenstock “community studio” lies in good brand management of course. The “experience” is about building salience and positive brand associations, which are in the end what really matters if you want to shift your shoes. So well done to Birkenstock for some good old fashioned brand management and retailing.
